Forgive Yourself For Everything

Last week, the message came in loud and clear. Forgive yourself for everything. I made several mistakes (emails, tech errors, parenting!) that gave me the opportunity to practice. 

Forgive yourself for everything. 

After the second email mistake, I felt somewhere between wanting to throw up and cry. It wasn't only that, it was homeschooling, disorganization, the familiar deep inadequacy that crept in. Old feeling.

Then, I remembered. This is it. This is when you get to practice all that you teach, and all that you've learned. Right here, in the middle of your not quite organized house and all the ways you've failed.

Forgive yourself for the big things. The ways you've lost it, the email you wish you hadn't sent, getting back together with you ex when you know you shouldn't (I've done it all, btw).

Forgive yourself for the small things. 
Forgive yourself for the hard things that cause you to feel shame, embarrassment, pain.

Forgive. Notice the freedom in forgiving yourself. The clarity. The ability to see yourself differently.

Because when you forgive yourself, you see yourself as Higher Self sees you. As Source. As a Human learning lessons. As a beautiful child who can choose again.

You free yourself. You unbind yourself from the energy that you create when you hold onto all the ways you've failed. You allow yourself to create something new. You are free to choose again. 

If you can't yet, that's okay. Forgive that.

Some affirmations for forgiving ourselves:

I forgive myself for everything.
I am completely free from my past.
I see myself through the eyes of Source. 
I am willing to let go of my past.

Feel free to use or write your own.

Sheila Franzen

Author. Energy Healer. Spiritual Coach. Geek. Your Tech Angel.

Supporting lightworkers ready to step forward and share their gifts with the world through healing, coaching and technology support.

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