5 Steps to Create A Morning Ritual

The most important practice I have created in the last several years was to purposefully create a morning routine. These practices keep me from reaching for my phone upon waking. I feel more in control of my mood throughout the day. Ultimately, I feel more connected to higher guidance. I am more able to stay grounded in my own frequency and am less susceptible to taking on lower frequency of others.


1.    Log Dreams from the night before.


As I began to create a journal to record my dreams, I began to have insights aboutthe deeper symbolism. Dreams can give us specific guidance about our life. If, for example, we have a question about a job or a relationship, we can set the intention before sleeping to receive clear guidance about the particular issue. 

By learning to understand my dreams, I am able to have more insight into my life experiences. Interestingly, when you begin to record dreams, your higher self and guidance team begins to use the dreams as a way to communicate more strongly.  I find that the dreams will come in my waking day. I am walking around and I will remember insight from a dream I had several months ago. For this reason, I have stopped worrying if I cannot immediately interpret the significance. I know that if I stay present with the dream, the insight will come.

Also, one of my spiritual gifts is precognition. This will come in the form of premonition in dreams. Often, I meet people in spirit form in the dream world before they come in waking life. I will recognize the soul by the energy signature I felt in the dream. 


2.    Create an altar space. 


An altar allows a focus of energy to gather. I have found that an altar space creates security, freedom, and direction in my meditation practice. Returning to my altar each day gives me a sense of coming home. In a sense, we are gathering specific energy An altar creates a pattern in the subconscious mind. 

An altar does not have to be anything ornate or complicated. It can simply be a gathering of a few items that have meaning to you. Personally, I like to use items that represent each of the four elements. I use sacred symbols. The most important thing to remember when creating an altar is that these items are important and sacred to you. It does not matter if no else understands your altar. I also recommend that the altar space bein a place that is just yours. For years, I lived in a small area and my altar consisted of a simple tray with items gathered during my travels. 


3.    Meditate. Even if you don’t feel like it.


In the morning, I write down my dreams, make a cup of coffee, and meditate before my altar. For some reason, this order works for me. I’ve also decided to stop judging myself for having a cup of coffee. I have decided to stop needing to make the practice super complicated. I sit with myself, I breathe, I tell myself a few affirmations that seem to work for me; I create my day. I do not avoid emotions I am feeling; I sit with them. 


4.    Creative Visualization


At some point during my meditation practice, I visualize my day. I imagine myself in loving interaction with those I will meet throughout my day. I imagine the overall feeling tone. I play with this. Some days the feeling tone is gratitude; some days the feeling tone is grace. On days when it feels difficult to put one foot in front of the other, I imagine myself breathing and staying present. Sometimes, in deep emotional pain, that is all I can ask for. I thank the universe ahead of time for the miracle of each day. Then, I imagine what my life is like 3 years from now. If this is difficult to picture, you can choose instead to focus on the feeling tone you’d like to cultivate. 

For me, there is a huge difference between trying to manifest something through ego and working to co-create with my higher self/God consciousness. I find that creating a feeling tone for my creations, I am able to open myself up to the way the universe would like something to manifest. I understand now that the universe will often surprise you with the form. Be open to the mystery.


5.    Gratitude journal.


Before I go out the door, I find it helpful to spend a few minutes writing a gratitude list. Gratitude sets the tone and helps me look around and appreciate more during the day. I find that by starting and ending my day in gratitude, I am able to keep my vibration higher and set the tone. Also, I find that it is easier to stay in the flow of grace when I am able to appreciate what I already have. 

When I started these practices, I had to be at my job very early and I had to get my daughter ready for the day. I found that they helped with the feeling of overwhelm and helped me stay consistent in my spiritual development. Really, they just offered me a sense of solace. I can say that developing a morning practice has helped me create the consistency and momentum to begin to consciously co-create my life. I feel grateful that I am not at the whim of the outside world. I have the opportunity to tune into the frequency or my soul—and go into the world from there.

Sheila Franzen

Author. Energy Healer. Spiritual Coach. Geek. Your Tech Angel.

Supporting lightworkers ready to step forward and share their gifts with the world through healing, coaching and technology support.


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