How To Work With Fear

When I find myself in the vibration of fear, my first step is to acknowledge the situation. It is to move out of judging the situation as bad, and shift into the role as a neutral observer. As a neutral observer, begin to observe what is coming up in the body. This is a very different experience than staying paralyzed in fear. This step, in itself, is huge because it takes us out of the emotion as a fact. It changes our identification. In this way, we can begin to speak of the body and our experience differently. Instead of saying, “I am afraid.” we can work on saying “Fear is coming up in the body." The second thing I do at this place it to play the game, "What's the worst that could happen?" I'll give you an example from the other day. I recently gave notice at a very unfulfilling job to focus on my role as a writer and intuitive. Even though I had received guidance that this was the right choice, and felt the relief in my body after I quit (intuition), I still woke up with the nagging "oh my God" feeling. So, instead of judging the fear, I chose to move into it so it could be released. Because, here's the thing, it is impossible to see what wants to come through when we are in fear. It is impossible to receive clear guidance in the form of signs, signals, synchronicity, and intuition. So, I decided to work with it. First, the mantra, my teacher, Maryam Hasnaa, said, It is what it is. Whatever the situation, if we perceive it as negative, this mantra can help lessen the charge of judgment. Then, the game. What is the worst that could happen?  1) I will be unemployed forever. Now, I know this is not likely because I am highly educated and have always found jobs. 2) I will be forced to take a job that involves sitting at a desk for eight hours a day and requires a long commute. Or, I will be forced to go back to teaching school because the hours are good for my daughter, but I am absolutely exhausted all the time. The answer is: 2. These are my real fears. They are the voice of my ego (which I've learned to quiet) telling me that it is not possible to make money in a way that energetically supports the life I want for my daughter and me. These stipulations are called Form Contingencies. Basically, a form contingency is a stipulation of why something won't work. They prevent us from having what we want because we are blocking our higher self from solving problems in a very organic way.

After shifting into the role of the neutral observer, we are more able to soothe the body. For me, one of the most effective techniques when I experience fear is to move. This often looks like going to a yoga class. It helps me further shift away from my thoughts and put me in touch with the neutral observer. If yoga (postures) is not part of your practice, it can be helpful to do another moving practice that moves the energy. Running, putting your feet in the grass, taking a walk, putting your hand over your heart are all some ways to help us move energy and connect with the divine force that is greater than ourselves. It is vitally important to commit to this step before working to “solve” any problem. In my experience, solutions arise when I’m in a calm, centered and connected state. I am able to hear the guidance of my (higher) Self that wants to create abundance in this life.  From a centered state, I am able to intuit, or to actually receive information about what to do next. It takes courage to create the life we want. But, when we move into this place, the next step reveals itself and becomes a fun part of the process. When we are learning to shift out of fear, it is helpful to just try to get to a place of neutrality.  A place of taking the body out of survival mode. Our bodies have a history of survival mode. We have them encoded in our human DNA. Many of us who identify as healers have come back at this time to literally transcend fear. We have to be willing to do this. We have to be willing to live the brave hearted life.

*Source—The term form contingency comes from... 

Sheila Franzen

Author. Energy Healer. Spiritual Coach. Geek. Your Tech Angel.

Supporting lightworkers ready to step forward and share their gifts with the world through healing, coaching and technology support.

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