How To Read Energy
Everyday we feel, sense, and perceive energy.
Perceiving energy is a natural part of the human experience. However, throughout childhood many of us are taught not to trust our innate wisdom. Most children’s perceptions are discounted at some point or another. It is not by adults who are trying to actively suppress the child’s intuition; it is often well meaning. Hug your Aunt, you haven’t seen her in years. Consider for a moment how many children have been told by a parent to hug Aunt Edna (insert your relative here) at a Holiday gathering even if they weren’t inclined to do so.
As children, these interactions teach us to invalidate what we instinctively know and feel. As adults, we can come back to the knowing we had as children with a few simple practices that help us tune in and become more aware of the undercurrent in our surrounding.
Meditate in the morning. A morning meditation can be highly individualized, but the purpose remains the same: to ground and consciously observe ourselves before we enter the world. To feel our home frequency. To check in with our self. Simply taking ten minutes to quietly perceive yourself and your breath is all that is needed. Ask to connect with your own spirit. Make a practice of getting to know yourself. If ten minutes feels overwhelming, learn to meditate for three to five minutes. Even this small amount of time can shift your day, and, with consistency, your life. If you are a person, who can’t meditate, yet, journal, paint, move, or do anything nonverbal to get in touch with the greater part of yourself.
Observe how you feel. Throughout the day, become the witness to emotions that bubble up in yourself and in the presence of others. Observe, witness with neutrality (if possible), and feel in your body. This information will become a kind of guidance system and give us information for whom we can trust, and whom our higher self is telling us to watch out for. All humans are one; this is universal law. However, it is important to recognize that all humans are evolving at their own rate according to their path and purpose. We are not meant to connect and share with everyone. Finally, observe when words do not match someone’s energy. This is especially useful and will help you avoid being involved with those who say one thing but will do another.
Practice, practice, practice. When learning to read energy, it is useful to practice. This makes it much easier. When you go into a coffee shop, a mall, a restaurant, use your intuitive sense to “feel into” the energy of the room. Ask yourself, does it feel heavy, light, grounded, ungrounded, neutral? Do you associate any emotions with the room? Does the room feel happy, sad, angry, neutral? Does it feel dark, light, warm, cold? Each scan just takes a moment, but it is an interesting way to learn to read collective energy. You can also do with before you get somewhere! You can ask, “How will my office feel today?” Observe what answers come forth. When you get to the office, see if your perception matches how it feels.
Once you have the information, go back to yourself! If you catch yourself with an emotion that seems to be “floating” in your field, ask yourself silently, “Is this mine?” If the answer is, “no” you can silently ask your spirit to clear the energy from your field. You can also simply imagine a golden glittery light filling up your auric field and the emotion/energy being cleared away from you. This practice just takes a few seconds and will help you clear when something does not belong to you. Why, after all, should you feel something that isn’t yours to begin with?
Important! Clear your energy each day. Psychic hygiene has been one of the things that has literally saved my life. If you identify as an empath, a clairsentient, or a hypersensitive person, this step is crucial. Each night before you go to bed, clear the energy that has accumulated in your field throughout the day. Days or weeks of accumulated energy can make us feel stuck, tired, depressed and very sick. Conscious movement, showers, or baths are great ways to send the energy away. As you bathe, ask spirit to clear your field. Epsom Salt works wonders. Notice how you feel after the ritual. Also, time spent in nature is a great way to clear your energy field. If you are able, put your bare feet on the ground. Mentally ask that energy be sent into the earth. If that is not possible, simply take a walk. Ask the elements to clear any energy that does not belong to you. If it is not possible to go outside, intention and asking will work as effectively.
Learning to more consciously read energy will save you from unwanted encounters. These practices will help you know if you want to engage with someone, redirect your attention, move away, etc. It can help you avoid energy drains. In learning to read energy, you will spend more time with those who feel good to be around. If you identify as an empath or sensitive, use the practices so that you do not feel overwhelmed, drained, or flooded with other people’s emotions.
This month, my coaching offering is moving into full swing. If you’d like to work individually to work with or uncover your own unique gift, intuitive coaching may be right for you. The Holidays can be a very stressful time. If you’d like support via an intuitive reading, reach out.