The New Relationship: An Act of Self Love

Workshop & Channeling

Saturday February 22nd

The most important relationship you have is the one with yourself. I am here to help you powerfully remember who you are.

Hi, I’m Courtney Dillon.

I am an intuitive, teacher, medium and an energy healer. I offer intuitive readings and healings to help you see your life from a higher perspective. I offer monthly workshops and group healings to assist you in removing barriers to who you really are. Finally, I lead in-person workshops and retreats to help others open their own intuitive gifts. Find my workshop schedule here. 

Do you struggle with emotional pain or anxiety, relationships that leave you constantly drained, do you question your self-worth? Do you struggle with patterns that feel difficult to shift or memories that are hard to heal? Do you constantly self-sabotage or have a difficult time loving yourself?

I am here to help you see your life differently.

Healing. Soul-to-Soul Presence. Divine Purpose. Guided by Source.

Healing is about seeing your life from the perspective of spirit and going to the root of the energetic pattern. Healing is about taking your power back. Healing is not a quick fix or overnight, but a result of what happens when you face what shows up and let go of what does not serve you. 

I believe that as we work together to remove energetic barriers, your inner world emerges and becomes clear. You can hear and trust yourself more. And on the other side of this work is a new understanding of yourself and your own magic. 

I believe that we can use our life and relationships as our sacred teacher—to lead us to the fullest expression of who we are meant to be.  Through this process, I will help you tune into the innermost wisdom of your heart--the place deep within, calling you back home.

Read my story. 


A gift from me to you!

Receive EMOTIONAL ALCHEMY, a free workshop that will teach you how to work with your emotions in a powerful way.

I’m not your typical intuitive

I am here to help you remember your own power, gifts, and purpose.

I’m not your typical intuitive. I see clairvoyantly and find energetic patterns to help you heal your life. I also teach you how to receive messages and create your own life in alignment with your soul. Learn more about my offerings below.